The Declutter Factor

28, Oct 2009

white clothes hanging in wood closet - declutter factor

The Declutter Factor was written by Nori Sinclair and originally published in Western Living Condo magazine, Fall/Winter 2009 edition. Download the full article (PDF).

Great containers are only half the battle. Linda Chu of Vancouver’s Out of Chaos offers these tips.

Divide and Conquer

Split your clothes into two seasons, winter and summer. Store any items (like heavy skiing sweaters) that you would never wear out of season.

Birds of a Feather

Put pants in one pile, T-shirts in another and so on. Then, subdivide the piles into casual and dressy items. Next, take it one step further and sort by colour or sleeve length – a great way to discover a glut of items. Do you really need a dozen black camisoles?

Tough Calls

If you’re waffling on an item, put it in what Linda Chu calls the “not-sure box.” List what’s in the box with the current date and the contact information of a charity and attach it to the box. Make a note in your calendar a year from now. If you haven’t missed anything in the box by then, you can donate it to charity without opening the box (and risking a trip down memory lane).

Two Questions

Ask yourself a question about each item and use the two principles of purging:

  1. When was the last time you used it?
  2. Were you surprised to find it?

Air Time

Clothes need to breathe, so don’t store them in plastic boxes. Be sure to label the containers.

Call for Help

If you feel overwhelmed by your closet, Linda Chu recommends having someone support you in the process. Make a deal with a friend to work on your closets together, or hire a professional organizer for help restoring order to your space.

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