Posts Tagged: declutter

Sort Through Those Problem Areas

15, Dec 2007

I was thrilled to be interviewed for the Reader’s Digest article, Sort Through Those Problem Areas. Along with fellow professional organizer Jane Woolsey of Toronto, I discussed several problem areas in the home that tend to collect clutter. Drawers: Put containers or dividers in your “junk” or desk drawers, so… Read more

Uncluttered Space = Uncluttered Mind

01, Sep 2007

Uncluttered Space = Uncluttered Mind was written by Katherine Gibson and originally published in Canadian Living. Declutter Your Closets My friend Maggie is a hoarder. Her tiny Winnipeg bungalow is filled to the rafters with every homemade card, piece of art and dollar-store gift her children ever gave to her…. Read more

Organize Your Stuff

01, Apr 2007

Organize Your Stuff was originally published in The Block magazine (print edition). Step One: Take Inventory Soon you will experience them: the fresh air, bright spaces, movement and activity you so fondly associate with springtime. This is, until you dive into your garage or basement searching for your bicycle and… Read more

Cleaning up Household Clutter Is Part of Spring

21, Mar 2007

Cleaning up Household Clutter Is Part of Spring was written by Julie Crawford and originally published in North Shore News. SPRING is sprung, the grass is ris: I wonder where my cell phone is? Ah, spring! That season where things bloom and multiply, including the piles of papers, fliers and… Read more

Get Organized

06, Mar 2007

Get Organized was written by Mike Chouinard and was originally published in the Chilliwack Times. For many, the thought of dealing with cluttered rooms at home or the piling system on their desks at work can become too much. The end result is more mess, and thus the cycle continues…. Read more

Order Out of Chaos: B.C. Women and Men Tell It the Way It Is

19, Feb 2007

Order Out of Chaos: B.C. Women and Men Tell It the Way It Is was written by Jeani Read and originally published in The Province. Clutter consulting: fun or frantic? “Absolutely the most fun I’ve had in any job. There’s always an element of frantic, since when you’re working with… Read more

Professional Organizer Has A Clear Conscience

16, Feb 2007

Professional Organizer Has A Clear Conscience was written by Michael Kissinger and was originally published in The Vancouver Courier. Linda Chu is one well-organized woman. How organized? For starters, she has a box in her fastidiously tidy Granville Street office that’s labelled “Broken Picture Frames” – whereas most people, like… Read more

Sharing Through Clearing

16, Jan 2007

The end of the year allows us to reflect on the bounty of possessions we have enjoyed throughout the year. We can look back at the fortunes that have come our way and in many cases, realize the clutter in our lives. Sharing through clearing is an excellent way to… Read more

Combat the What-if Syndrome

21, Jul 2006

Clutter is the one thing that crosses all social and economic boundaries. It does not discriminate. Whether you are the CEO of a company or a mom with triplets, your stuff can still clutter the spaces you work or live in. While working with individual clients and helping them to… Read more

Organizing Hell or Help? – Shared Experiences

21, Jul 2006

Today I’d like to share Alison’s story as she recently cleaned out three generations of items in the family home. She wanted to find new owners for the items not wanted by the remaining family members, as well as contribute to her community. The items presented a range of challenges… Read more