Organizing Desks at Breakfast Television

05, Oct 2008

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Professional Organizer Linda Chu joins Simi Sara in the CityTV Breakfast Television studio. Linda tackles organizing desks. Find Simi’s hidden stash of shoes. Where does Dave keep his cowboy hat?

Professional organizers streamline homes and businesses. We improve functionality. We reduce stress and anxiety because people don’t waste time running around looking for things.

When organizing desks, the objective is not that it be completely clear and pristine. The objective is to make your workspace function well for the person who is using it.

One of the common mistakes people make is that they keep everything “just in case.” Take some time to understand your company’s retention policies around documentation. If files are not used frequently, they shouldn’t be taking up valuable space in your work area. Move these items to another location such as a filing cabinet in storage.

Additionally, move seldom-used shoes and clothing to a locker or take them back home.

Another important point: some people think that throwing things out is a waste. But it is also a waste if you keep it and do not use it. Consider donating to charities or giving unused items to family, friends, or co-workers.

Watch more on organizing desks in the video.


If you need some help organizing desks and getting your workspaces in order, contact Linda.

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