Organize Your Home to Appeal to Buyers

17, Oct 2017

When I step into an orderly home, I feel a sense of calm and welcome. And if you’re shopping for a new home, this neatness can certainly appeal to buyers. It can also indicate another selling point too – that the owners are maintaining their home behind the scenes. Are you thinking of selling? Here are a few simple ways to organize your home to appeal to buyers.

Tidy Your Entryway

As they say, first impressions count. Spruce up your front entry, inside and out, to entice buyers. During the sale process store recycling bins and brooms somewhere else. Reduce the piles of shoes and boots, limiting the number of pairs per person at the doorway. Make it composed, neat, and appealing.

Invest in Storage Solutions

Without a doubt, storage space is a big selling feature. If you have stray items lying around the house (like golf clubs) and have closets packed with clothes, buyers will think there isn’t enough space for their things. As I tell all my clients – start your decluttering process early. Do not leave it until the night before an open house. Remove anything you absolutely won’t need until after the move. Since you will be moving soon, pre-pack these items and get them out of the way and make space!

Purchase some attractive organizing solutions, like shelves, bins, or boxes, that will help your place look more orderly. The good news is you can bring them with you to your new space.

Arrange Your Home so it “Flows”

Take a walk through your home and move or remove any furniture that makes it feel overcrowded. You don’t want people to run into or squeeze between furniture to tour your space. Tight spaces can feel small and claustrophobic. Potential buyers to think that their belongings will not fit. You may want to consider putting larger furniture pieces into short-term storage if it helps with the “flow.”

If you’re selling your home, you want buyers to see how amazing your space is, not how chaotic it looks. Does an organized home appeal to buyers? You bet! You want them to imagine what it will feel like for them to live there.

If you need any help moving or downsizing, Out of Chaos makes it easy. Learn more about our Move Management Services and how we can build a customized plan for your move. Contact us today.

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