Create a ‘To-Don’t’ List for Productivity

13, Jul 2020

clipboard used to create a to-don't list

Task lists are useful because they help us get from ‘to-do’ to ‘to-done.’ While they keep us on track, we always add more tasks to them. The more we add, the more we feel like a hamster on a treadmill – doing, doing, doing. One way to jump off that treadmill is to create a to-don’t list – an inventory of reminders of what not to do. Here are some things that you can put on your ‘To-Don’t’ list.

To-Don’ts for Productivity

Don’t do what you should delete. If it doesn’t propel your goals and objectives forward, don’t do it.

Don’t do what you should delegate. If someone else can do it as well as you can, let them do it.

Don’t aim for perfection. Perfection is an unattainable goal. Instead, strive for completing high-quality work.

Don’t follow the latest trend. You know what is best for you and your business. Think about your goals and objectives. Remember that short-term gains can lead to long-term sacrifices. Focus on the endgame.

Don’t multitask. Multitasking is the best way to make several mistakes simultaneously. Pay attention to one project at a time.

Don’t open social media websites without a plan. It’s too easy to spend hours reading posts and articles and gazing at spectacular images. Create a social media strategy and stick to it.

Don’t feed the trolls. Trolling is deliberately offensive or provocative behaviour intended to upset or elicit a response from others. Do not engage. It will waste your time and drain your energy.

Don’t be narrow-minded. Keep your vision in mind but entertain other perspectives as well. You never know what opportunities will arise that will help you reach your goals faster and more easily.

Don’t neglect balance. Your health, friendships, family, and leisure time are essential to your well-being. Invest time in those pursuits.

Don’t say yes without due consideration. People will ask you to volunteer for various initiatives and projects. Make sure you have the time, skillset, and desire before you say yes.

When you create a to-don’t list, you define what you care about so you can focus on what is essential. Once you have made your to-don’t list, review your to-do list. You may find there are tasks that aren’t as important as they were before.

For assistance in building your to-don’t and to-do lists, contact the Out of Chaos team today.

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