Organizing Your Storage and Utility Rooms

20, Mar 2005

stoarge area with clutter

Storage and utility areas are often the most challenging since these rooms are out of sight (and, therefore, out of mind). As a result, people tend to use them as dumping grounds when clearing other areas in the home and for items, they can’t bear to throw away. The key to making storage and utility rooms work for you is to ensure that your belongings are organized and protected while still maximizing the function of the space.

The two most common problems that people have are:

  • Not enough storage space.
  • The storage area is cluttered.

Solutions to Help You Organize Storage and Utility Rooms

Keep heavy items close to the floor to avoid injury when reaching for them later. Keep household chemicals and other flammable and poisonous materials on a separate shelf.

Sort through all your items and purge what you and your family no longer need. Make hard decisions about holding onto things that are taking up valuable space.

1. Categorize

Divide your space into sections (sports equipment, tools, holiday decorations, party supplies, off-season clothes, crafts, laundry). By dedicating specific areas, you can better organize your belongings.

2. Maximize Wall Space

Use cabinets, shelves, and pegboards by mounting them on your walls. You can repurpose household items such as old kitchen cabinets.

3. Add Floor Storage

In large vacuous rooms, like basements, adding chests of drawers and bookshelves will maximize space and help you avoid cluttering your floors with piles and piles of ‘stuff.’

4. Reach for the Ceiling

If your garage ceiling is high enough, hang hooks to store your bicycles and gardening equipment. Attach poles (an old broomstick will do) across your ceiling joists to add storage space.

5. Fill Wasted Space

Use empty drawers of stored furniture to keep more fragile items, like glassware. Use backpacks, duffel bags, and suitcases to hold off-season clothing.

Need assistance organizing your home life? Be sure to contact Out of Chaos. We’d love to hear from you.

Image by joakant from Pixabay

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  1. Thanks for tuning in. You can also read more from since I blog there weekly on the topic of organization and productivity.

    Let me know if there is something specific that you need information on. This could be a great topic of our next blog.

    🙂 Linda

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