The Downsizing Party

13, Jan 2020

older couple ready for downsizing party

I recently read an article about a couple who had a Downsizing Party. They had lived 45 years in the same house. They sent out invitations, served food and drinks while their friends came over and chose their favourite objects. A Downsizing Party might be a great idea for some people. Treasured items are given a new home by people who really appreciate them.

If you think a Downsizing Party would suit your situation, here is some advice to make your event a success.

Decide What to Keep

Before inviting party guests into your home, decide what you will not give away. Place items you intend to keep, like jewelry, memorabilia, and smaller pieces of furniture, in a closed room so guests cannot access them. You may wish to ask close family members and friends if they want any items before the party date. Put those goods aside as well.

Organize and Arrange

Group similar items. For example, keep all cookware and bakeware in the kitchen area, fine china and silver in the dining room, and linens and clothing in bedrooms. If you have a collection of items (e.g. pocket watches, Star Wars figurines, etc.), place them all in one area. This will allow your guests to view the entire collection and easily choose the pieces they want or take the whole collection.

Prepare to Tell Stories

If there is a unique item, have the guest take a video of you talking about the item’s history. This will give it more meaning. Remember, it’s a party and taking videos will make the event more fun and memorable.

Extra Party Planning Tasks

You can plan a Downsizing Party similarly to any other party. Have food and drinks available and play some good music. But there are a few extra factors to take into consideration:

  • You may need to borrow or rent extra tables or shelving units to display everything.
  • Set up the tables and shelves so guests can move around the home easily.
  • Provide bags, boxes, and packing paper for guests to take home their treasures.
  • Have a pack of labels and a pen handy to mark items that people want but may have to take on another day (e.g. the dining table currently holding the fine china).
  • Consider inviting staff from charitable organizations that help people who need to furnish their homes.
  • See if a friend or family member with a truck/van would help transport oversized items for guests.

The Leftovers

Not everything will disappear in a Downsizing Party. You may wish to donate, sell, or consign the “leftovers” or do an online auction.

Downsizing doesn’t have to be a chore or something to stress about. Out of Chaos can help you celebrate the joy your stuff will bring to other people’s lives. Send us a secure message through our website. We can help you plan your Downsizing Party!

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  1. This is a fantastic idea. It reminds me of when my mom was thinking of going into a care home. She was the queen of organisation and started early going through everything she owned. Step by step she made items available to her children and extended family and even put things for grabs on the curb. Every get-together and visit was a great opportunity to let go of more items and made the task less daunting. By the time she did move into the care home she had only her most precious ‘treasures’ accompany her.

    1. Thank you for your comments Liliane. I often talk about a living will and taking the time while one is still capable to pass treasures along to family and friends. While there was joy and memories in acquiring a special possession, it’s in gifting and seeing the smiles in the faces of those receiving that is more joyful. The personal stories that come with each piece is priceless. Kudos to your mom!

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